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Short bio on Tommy Kripke


Tommy "Kripke" Persson (born August 24, 1971) is a Swedish musician and songwriter. He has been playing in bands since 1984 when he picked up the bassguitar and started to play. Tommy was born and raised in Falun, Sweden and lives there to this date.


He started to play punkmusic in the band "NDSL" in 1984 and moved on to play bass with another punk/folkrockband called "Små Gröna As" in 1989. After that he went on to sing and play bass in the 60's rockband "Hairdown" in 1990. They changed their name to "68 Again" and released a demo called "1968". They played together a couple of years then Tommy and the drummer got recruited to a new band called "Peace Frog". In "Peace Frog" Tommy started write own songs. Those songs and many more came to use in "Laid Back Circus" that Tommy Persson, Johan Fackt and Hans Jörnlind started in 1994. Since then Tommy writes all the originalmusic in his bands. Sometimes the music comes out through a bandcompilation and sometimes under the artist Tommy Kripke.



Please contact Tommy for information on what he is planning in the future.

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